Calderdale Library Services - Reading Series (aka Morning Surgery with Dr Nash)

In addition to Calderdale Library Services placing copies of The Calder Valley Codex in libraries across the area, they've also organised a series of reading events.

The first one will be at Sowerby Bridge library on Saturday the 10th of December.
Here's what they had to say:

Then at 11am on Saturday 10th we’re delighted to welcome award-winning local poet Steve Nash. Steve will be reading from his hot-off-the-press collection of poetry, The Calder Valley Codex, inspired by the natural landscapes and industrial heritage of Calderdale.

There will be a reading and a Q&A. Do come on down and grill me, have a chat, or just come and hang out with some lovely people.

Thanks again to the Calderdale Library Services for their support.
